ETA’s: Vessel is usually informed by agents of the point of entry in Libyan waters 48 hours prior to arrival. |
Radio: VHF: Contact Ch 16 "Azzawiya Control", also Ch 22 and 27. |
Port limits: The port limits extend N from the shore to Lat 32°50.5′N, Long 012°44′E.
Anchorages: On arrival vessels are advised to anchor 1.5nm off No 1 berth to await the pilot. The bottom is reported to be sand over rock.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Prevailing winds: NW’ly (winter); N, NE and E’ly throughout the rest of the year.
Charts: BA 3327, 3353. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Restrictions:Berthing during daylight only, unberthing nightly only in special cases.
Tugs: Available. |
Berth |
Vessel |
No 1 |
10,000-100,000 |
No 2 |
5,000-40,000 |
No 3 |
15,000-140,000 |
These berths are 2 x SBM and 1 x CBM.
Tanker berths: Vessels use own boom to lift hoses:
Berth No 1: Boom capacity not less than 7t.
Berth No 2: Boom capacity not less than 5t.
Berth No 3: Boom capacity not less than 10t. |
Medical facilities: Azzawiya Central Hospital.
Transport: Nearest airport: Tripoli International.
Airport facilities: International flights.
Working hours:Throughout 24 hours. All year round. |
Port Authority – Zawia Terminal Port Authority
Port Office – Zawia Terminal
Tripoli – Libya
Tel: +218 23 605389
Telex: 30423 ARC LY
Contact: Capt F Otman, Port Manager |